FF Extension Guru's Blog

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Friday, May 05, 2006

The Dust Is Beginning to Clear...

It has been quite a war... PharmaMaster (Russian Spammer) vs The Blue Frog.
  • First they sent tons of spam messages with misleading information, threatening and extorting us Blue Frog Members to remove ourselves from the registry or get tons more spam.
  • They repeated this again and again.
  • Then they really started playing dirty, they sent more spam but disguised it as to look as the messages were from members of Blue Frog. Again, providing misleading information about Blue Security.
  • To further up the ante, launched a denial of service (DoS) attacks against Blue Security sites.
  • Another bombardment of Spam from May 4th to May 6th.
The end result? The Blue Frog is still standing (a little wounded but still holding its ground). For more detailed information on the May 1-5 Attacks, please visit the CastleCops Forums.

The main Blue Security and members sites are back up, but the Spam Reporting took some damage along with the Blue Security's Community sections. There are presently unavailable and Blue Security is asking for you to hold off on your spam reporting until they can get there areas fixed.


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