FF Extension Guru's Blog

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Blue Frog Still Alive!

For a brief time last night I was able to access the blogs portion of Blue Security's site. Here is a portion of their Blog entry for 05/03: The Blue Independence War
"Today is Israel's Independence Day. It's a public holiday in Israel, but all of us in Blue Security are working. But we are glad we're working. We're helping the community fight the Blue Independence War. We fight for our freedom from spammers and cyber criminals. This is our big chance to reclaim the Internet. We must not let it slip from our hands.

Some desperate spammers are doing its worst to harm our community. They'd like us to back off, and agree to get their spam silently. Needless to say, that is not going to happen. We're not here to listen to their vile threats and fraudulent advertisements. We're here to stand up for our right not to be let alone."

Unfortunately, this morning the DoS attacks continue and even the blogs portion of Blue Security's site is inaccessible. Did a little search for some News on Blue Security and came across an article on MacWorld, Spammers turn on antispam vigilantes. Comments below are from Eran Reshef, CEO of Israeli based Blue Security.

"The spam campaign is a sign of Blue Security’s success and an act of frustration by a major spammer based in Russia, Reshef said.

“It’s one of the top spammers. We’re not sure which one at this point, but six of the top ten are complying with (Blue Security), so it’s one of the remaining four,” Reshef said."

Silly of me to think all this spam was originating from within the US. Of course who could forget those Nigerian scam emails, you know ones I am talking about...some high ranking person dies suddenly and tragically leaving behind millions upon millions of dollars.

A quick scan of my Yahoo! Mail box and I noticed haven't seen any of these lately. Wonder if they were one of the six top ten that have chosen to comply? As for the spam in general today, seems to be lighter than yesterday and no 'future spam' thus far.

Even though Blue Security's site is still down, Blue Frog is still reporting the e-mails. You can also obtain the Blue Frog software via download.com, but you will need to wait for the site to come back up before you can register.


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